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Ensure learning with our 360 model

At GLP, we are committed to offering a unique and effective methodology for teaching English at an early age, designed to keep children motivated and engaged in the classroom. A 360 model that adapts to your center.

Habilidades creativas y logico matematicas
Creative skills and logical mathematics
Habilidades para aprender idiomas en el futuro
Skills for learning languages in the future
Pronunciación y entonación más parecida a la nativa
Pronunciation and intonation more similar to the native one
Creative skills and logical mathematics
Divertirse mientras aprenden
Have fun while learning the language
Pronunciation and intonation more similar to the native one
Start Corner
We introduce children to our exciting journey through the session with assembly and warm-up games. Children become familiar with essential concepts such as emotions, days of the week, weather, calendar, colors and numbers. We introduce children to our exciting journey through the session with assembly and warm-up games. Children become familiar with essential concepts such as emotions, days of the week, weather, calendar, colors and numbers.
Start Corner
Creative Corner
Creative Corner
Our GLP Phonics method focuses on the development of pronunciation and listening comprehension. Children participate in games and activities that help them learn English sounds and literacy in a natural way.
Our GLP Phonics method focuses on the development of pronunciation and listening comprehension. Children participate in games and activities that help them learn English sounds and literacy in a natural way.
Active Corner
In the active corner, children participate in movement-based collaborative games that help them to be active during the session. Thanks to movement and physical and mental activity, children learn without realizing it while playing.

In the active corner, children participate in movement-based collaborative games that help them to be active during the session. Thanks to movement and physical and mental activity, children learn without realizing it while playing.
Reading corner
Creative Corner
Creative Corner
This corner focuses on the development of imagination and creativity as well as artistic and logical mathematical expression.

Children participate in STEM activities that help them express themselves in English through art, scientific experiments, recipes and lots of games.
Active Corner
A space for the development of reading comprehension and oral expression. Children participate in telling stories through fun stories and our large library of their own stories with activities around adventures with our characters.

Tell stories through fun stories and our large library of own stories with activities around adventures with our characters.
Reading corner
Home Corner
Home Corner
A space for the development of reading comprehension and oral expression. Children participate in storytelling through fun stories and our large library of their own stories with activities around adventures with our characters.

A space for the development of reading comprehension and oral expression. Children participate in storytelling through fun stories and our large library of their own stories with activities around adventures with our characters.

Attractive educational materials

We transform the educational experience into a series of games and challenges that promote language retention and learning. We have developed a full range of educational and sensory materials, and tools designed to enrich the learning experience both in the classroom and at home. This ensures complete and fun learning.

Digital platform

At GLP, we believe that innovation had to reach the education sector.
Our methodology combines gamification, manipulation and digitalization to provide a modern and interactive teaching experience.
We provide you with access to a full range of educational materials and tools designed to enrich your students' learning experience. Our tools make teaching an effective and fun experience.

Ongoing training, tools and projects
for your teachers

Great Little World educational app

Learning is accompanied from home with our educational app. Children learn English while overcoming fun challenges and adventures.

Learning is guided and designed by our teachers. Adapted by levels and units. Families will have premium access to the application, and they will access the families profile where they will see the progress of their children.

Teaching platform

At Great Little People, we understand the importance of providing teachers with the necessary tools to provide quality education in English at an early age. Our teacher's educational platform is a fundamental part of this process of educational transformation.

Ongoing Support: Our team of pedagogues is always ready to help, answer questions and offer support in the creation of materials.

Academias de ingles
Continuing training
Live workshops and an optimized training campus so that teachers can acquire skills in less than 2 days.
Discounts with FUNDAE
We offer a bonus for activation with direct discounts through Fundae.
Habilidades creativas y logico matematicas
Teacher's Book
A resource organized by age that makes planning easier, with easy access to the syllabus, objectives, game mechanics and more.
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Sessions scheduled for the whole year, adapted to the age and the month, even for nursery schools and thematic sessions.

We help you grow through Marketing

At Great Little People, we not only provide an exceptional teaching methodology, but we also support you in the growth of your school. Our Marketing and Business Development services include:
Formacion Ingles - Great little people

Do you want to know more about Great Little People?

Don't wait any longer and learn more about our innovative method for teaching English in your school! Fill out this form and download a complete dossier, get to know our methodology in detail.